Dumpster Diving – Personal Property Fees


Cockroaches scurry for cover under the seats as you open the door of the car that was just repossessed earlier that morning. The sun has been up for a few hours and the car’s interior has fermented it’s contents that greet you with a sour rotting smell. Rubber gloves on and trash bag in hand, you begin the inventory of a half-eaten “Egg MCMuffin”, dirty diapers, assorted papers, shirts and a lot of items belonging to the borrower that makes you wonder why is all of this in their vehicle? This is, no doubt, sometimes the most unpleasant part of the repossession process.

So, why do you do it? You have to! It’s the law. As a legal compromise, the law also allows you to charge for the removal, inventory and storage of this property. So, why would you not charge for this?

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