Webinar: This Thursday, March 22, 2018
10:00 PDT | 11:00 MDT | 12:00 CDT | 1:00 EDT
Last Friday the Circuit Court of Appeal for the District of Columbia issued an opinion overturning much of the way the FCC has interpreted the TCPA over the years. The decision is a welcome one, but it leaves financial institutions with new challenges. The TCPA battle is not over.
This Thursday, attorney Eric North will talk with financial institutions about exactly what the court said and what it left unresolved about important issues such as:
• What is an “autodialer?” Should equipment be evaluated based on what it can do now, what it might be able to do in the future, or on something else?
• Must equipment have the ability to “randomly” generate numbers to be called in order to be an autodialer (as the TCPA says) or can it be an autodialer if it calls numbers in a database?
• Is a call being “made” using an autodialer (and therefore governed by the TCPA) if the caller is not using the equipment’s autodialing features?
• What is your financial institution’s liability if you call a cell phone number believing you have consent and without knowing the number has been reassigned?
• How may consent to receive autodialed calls be revoked? Is there anything your financial institution can do about that?
Most importantly, this webinar will focus on how this important court decision will affect financial institutions–including those that have already adopted policies and procedures and have included “consent” language to loan, deposit account and customer agreements based on now-overturned FCC orders.
For more information, or to register, visit http://northlegal.com/nl-webinars/2018/18-0322-TCPA-CircuitDecision.php

The primary speaker for the seminar, Eric North, is a practicing attorney who has represented the interests of consumer lending institutions for more than thirty years. Prior to practicing law, Eric worked within various financial institutions in lending, collections, and operations departments, and managed several of those institutions. This experience allows Eric to bring practical, as well as “legal” information to those who attend his programs.
In addition to practicing law, Eric dedicates a significant portion of his time each year to the training of hundreds of consumer credit professionals throughout the United States through local programs presented on behalf of dozens of state and national trade associations, through periodic NorthLegal Webinars, and through the annual NorthLegal Advanced Bankruptcy Conference and the NorthLegal Consumer Collections Conference.
2018 NorthLegal Conferences
Bankruptcy Fundamentals Seminar
Advanced Bankruptcy Conference
Consumer Collections Conference
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