Partnership will enhance and optimize automotive lenders’ recovery processes Carmel, Ind. – May 21,...
With talk of “Contact Tracing” in relation to managing the COVID-19 spreads, the question...
In a recent webinar by Dr. Sohini Chowdhury and David Fieldhouse with Moody’s Analytics,...
Santander, has settled with 34 states to the amount of $550 million and will...
“The car was flagged for repossession by the credit union because her payments were...
Sacramento, CA – 19 May, 2020 – In a 7 to 3 vote, with...
Bankruptcy 105 Preparing, Filing and Updating Bankruptcy Proofs of Claim Live Webinar May 21,...
“AB 2501 Shifts the Cost of This Crisis onto the Private Sector, which will...
“restriction on first party debt collection during a national emergency, which could put unnecessary...
Sorry Repo Industry, No bone for you! While everyone in the collections and repossession...
Mimics many major elements of the recent Congressional stimulus relief “Heroes Act” On May...
In the formal release of the “Heroes Act” stimulus Package, Congress slipped in elements...
COVID-19 has created a unique situation for DRN and our lenders. With communities nationwide...
Absent Any Repossession, Foreclosure and Collections References Except Federal Washington, DC – 12 May...
Judge Richard G. Stearns of the United Stated District Court of Massachusetts has granted...
Live Webinar May 21, 2020 10:00 PDT | 11:00 MDT 12:00 CDT | 1:00...