Collections, Repossessions and Foreclosures Moratoriums High on List May 1, 2020 – In a...
In an April 30 letter, National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Chairman Rodney E. Hood...
“Monkey see, Monkey do.” Coming soon to a town near you? In a knee...
Paying tow and storage providers and ensuring lien holders get notifications Its safe to...
Also Publishes State by State Moratoriums Long established consumer protection advocates, The National Consumer...
GUEST EDITORIAL Are you looking to stop more fraud in your company? Â If you...
What You Need to Know from ARA Wednesday, April 29th 10:00 a.m. CST While...
On Monday April 20, 2020, In a preview of what may become a national...
Members of NAFCU’s Regulatory Affairs team Friday shared credit union concerns and issues related...
On April 14, 2020, the state of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation...
13 April 2020 – Filling the void of direct federal guidance on collections related...
Millions of Americans are poised to begin receiving direct deposits relied payments from the...
While we were all distracted by S. 3565 introduced into the senate on March...
Live Webinar April 16, 2020 10:00 PDT | 11:00 MDT 12:00 CDT | 1:00...
Like many states, the District of Columbia Council has unanimously passed emergency legislation limiting... is attempting to receive a copy of a ten-page memo shared with House...