Nashville, TN
June 16-19, 2020
Registration is open for the 2020 NorthLegal Bankruptcy Fundamentals Seminar and the Advanced Bankruptcy Conference on June 16-19, 2020 in Nashville, TN. This major conference destination has grown massively in popularity because there is so much to see and do. Everyone knows Nashville is the home of country music, but there is a lot more to Nashville than just country music! Clubs featuring blues, jazz and rock are all easy to find in “Music City.”
As in the past, the Monday Fundamentals Seminar will provide a “high level” look at bankruptcy, and is intended for those who are new to bankruptcy, those who are in management and just need the “big picture” so they can effectively manage the bankruptcy department, and those who want a refresher before attending the Advanced Bankruptcy Conference the remainder of the week. (The Monday seminar is free to those who are attending the conference.)
The Advanced Bankruptcy Conference will get down to the details. NorthLegal programs emphasize content, with each discussion building upon the last. We try to make the program interesting, enjoyable and understandable, but our overriding goal is to give you practical, specific information (and lots of it) that will help you handle real-world bankruptcy problems. Bankruptcy is a complex area of the law and we take seriously our responsibility to equip you to handle it.
For more information about the subjects that will be covered, the hotel accommodations, the registration fee and more, visit

Blues, Jazz, Rock and Advanced and Fundamental Bankruptcy Training in Nashville – Blues, Jazz, Rock and Advanced and Fundamental Bankruptcy Training in Nashville – Blues, Jazz, Rock and Advanced and Fundamental Bankruptcy Training in Nashville
Blues, Jazz, Rock and Advanced and Fundamental Bankruptcy Training in Nashville – Northlegal – Northlegal – Credit Union Collections – Credit Union Collectors – Delinquency – Bankruptcy
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