On April 21, 2021, in the case of Hunstein v. Preferred Collection and Management Services, Inc. , No. (8:19-cv-00983-TPB-TGW) the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals (Federal) reversed a district court ruling and held that when a debt collector provides a third-party letter vendor with personal account information relating to the collection of a debt, it rises to the level of an impermissible communication with a third party to which there is no exception if there is no consumer consent.
While this decision is an 11th Circuit decision only, the ruling has the potential of being followed throughout the United States and thereby affect all third-party debt collections practices in every jurisdiction.
Please join Karel Rocha, Esq. on May 19, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) for a webinar pertaining to this important decision. Karel will be discussing the ramifications of this decision for your debt collection vendors and also discuss how this may also affect your organization’s internal collections processes.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone by clicking on the link below on May 19, 2021.
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Karel Rocha, Esq., Partner
FDCPA UPDATE – 11th Circuit Court of Appeal Issues Far-Reaching Decision Affecting Third Party Debt Collection Practices
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