Free Mobile Repo App Coming Soon For Field Agent AND General Public Use

va_repo_logoVa Repo is scheduled to launch their new mobile phone repossession network application on January 25, 2013. One of the exciting and unique features of this program is that it allows anyone to participate and get paid for spotting repossessions.

Mike, CEO at VA Repo provided CUCollector the below program description that provides great detail to this completely free and advertisement free smartphone application that allows field agents to interact with the online database. This release in 12 days is just the first of several smartphone and website releases coming up in the next 2-3 months.

The smartphone application will allow a field agent to easily view all of the addresses within their route as a selectable list of addresses or as a Google map with selectable pins at each address.  This new function will allow the field agent to actually see where their route will be taking themva_repo6 and they can decide to run the addresses in any order they desire.

The field agent can then select any address in the list or pin on the Google map and view all information about the address and if desired, they can simply select the address and utilize the navigation functions already built into the smartphone and easily navigate to the address without having to manually enter the address.  This will allow the field agents to save countless hours by never having to enter addresses into a GPS device or having to thumb through the paper files to decide which is the next to be run.

If the vehicle is not located at any address, the field agent can select to be directed through an update process that will ask the field agent to capture various photos throughout the update process as it asks simple questions regarding the address and the answers to these questions will be viewed as selectable buttons and the buttons selected will determine the language used in creating an update for the address which will automatically be sent to the repossession company office as soon as the field agent completes the update process.

Each update can also contain an attached photo of a Google map with the exact route the field agent traveled while searching around an address.  This function is optional and will be used to provide proof of exactly where the field agent looked while investigating an address when they wish to do so.  This photo can also be sent to the client to provide proof of service at the address.

My update process allows a field agent to create nearly 12,000 different updates that are perfectly worded, spelled and punctuated that provide a physical description of the property including the description and tag information for any vehicle on the property, a description of any contact made at the address as well as any number of neighbors addresses and a physical description of the approximate age, race and sex of anybody the field agent made contact with. My update process was created around the needs and concerns of the repossession industry which means that the application will ask only the right questions and the update is worded correctly to avoid a possible misunderstanding or trouble.

The existence of my update process will allow a repossession company to hire scouts far more easily by giving repossession companies a way to hire anybody and be able to expect the same level of detail of professionalism with every single update regardless of prior experience.

va_repo5In order for a field agent to be allowed to create an update for any address, they must physically be within a specific raduis of the address before they will be able to initiate the update process.  This means that every update created with my system is extremely believable because it is required that the field agent physically had to be within a few blocks of the address in order to create the update which means that field agents are not able to sit at home and enter false information just to look like they are doing their job.

Each update is also given a randomly generated reference number that is searchable within the database by anybody for a period of 48 hours.  If one of these randomly generated reference numbers are given to a client and the client goes to the database and enters the randomly generated reference as a search, they will be displayed a Google map with a pin at the address that was being run by the field agent.  This creates “verifiable” updates and adds an extra level of comfort for any client within the industry by allowing them to have access to the system that helped create the update and double check that the information they are being given was in fact created with the system.

Each update is automatically sent into the database and the repossession company office employee ends up no longer needing to decode and translate updates from their field agents at the beginning of every day.  This can save hours every week for the repossession company office.

We now have a system that generates a text file that contains a physical address, a physical description of the property and a description of all vehicles on the property including license plate information.

The system will now take this public information out of each update entered into the database (including photos) and allow the information to become searchable in various ways.

These searches can be performed by persons that have been approved by Va Repo to obtain an account on the database that will allow them to va_repo7enter information they may have about a vehicle they wish to locate in the hopes of finding a location for the vehicle within the database.

We now have a system that allows field agents to generate information pertaining to the location of vehicles throughout the entire country and this is where we all make our money.   This gives the industry a way to utilize the information already being generated while field agents are working assignments in the field which gives the industry a new place to look for this type of unique information.

Now that we have a system that can compile this sort of information in a place that the industry can utilize, we added a brand new capability that will allow anybody with a smartphone to participate in helping locate collateral for the repossession industry.

This Free Repo App will also allow anybody with a smartphone to participate in locating collateral for the repossession industry by allowing them to report the location of any vehicle they desire

The initial release will work on all Android Phones with a screen resolution of 480×800 and additional screen resolutions will be added throughout the additional releases coming out in the next few months.

Now that we have a way for this information to generate, we had to figure out how to motivate people to input this type of information into the database.  The answer is $20.  Not only will this make the lives of any field agent easier, the database will also pay any user $20 for good information and in fact, the system can pay up to 3 users for good information when any location is purchased from the database which means that the first 3 people to report the location of any vehicle can receive $20 for the same information.







CEO of Va Repo, LLC

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6 thoughts on “Free Mobile Repo App Coming Soon For Field Agent AND General Public Use

  1. If you connect with us at any of the 3 sites disclosed above, we have lots of answers now and many more coming in the next 10 days.

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