“We have been talking with many TFA members and insurance providers who are in receipt of the most recent Chase contact, and we must advise that, as an organization, we cannot support the terms of this contract. ”
“We have been talking with many TFA members and insurance providers who are in receipt of the most recent Chase contact, and we must advise that, as an organization, we cannot support the terms of this contract. ”
Anyone that signs on and agrees to this will get exactly what they deserve.
Happy hunting and be safe.
Eric C.
As a spokesperson for the asset recovery industry’s only 20 group, Eagle Group XX, I wish to state the majority of the 20 men and women of EGXX stand united with TFA, ARA, RSIG and any others who find the CHASE CONTRACT to be a ticking time bomb. We feel it is an insult to our groups intelligence to demand more while offering less. The EGXX members comprise some of the most forward thinking and busness savvy minds in the recovery industry and it is plain to them that somewhere this concept of “I Get What I Want Because I Can DIctate and Demand It” has to end. I commend the members of all the associations who have now drawn a line in the sand and said “NO MORE”… Let Chase use scabs and repo rangers to do their work, people who do not understand the basics of business and finance management. I only hope that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau who were allegedly at the Chase Meeting understand the critical mass this demanding contract has created and realize it may explode at any time.