Guest Editorial Everyone is looking for clients, but what we should be doing is...
Guest Editorial Welcome to the New Year! It is my hope that 2014 will...
Have you had your “daily dose” of humor for the day? Guest Editorial...
Guest Editorial Recently I came across this much needed dose of realism below taken...
Guest Editorial Funny how often the word “weird”, along with a number, are found...
Guest Editorial I repossessed my first car in 1961….my first test in communicating to...
Guest Editorial Recently another repossession management company, forwarding company, released a new contract and...
Guest Article We have been told that the number one complaint lodged against collateral...
Editorial There has been a good deal of discussion about my retraction of Bill...
As demanded by Gene A. Wheeler, ADESA Sr. Corporate Counsel, CUCollector would like to...
Guest Editorial Yes that this correct, “NO HOLD HARMLESS” ! Back in early March...
Guest Editorial Manassas, VA – 15 August 2013 – If you have camera cars...
Guest Editorial Greetings from the great state of Alabama Roll Tide Roll!!! Sabbatical: or...
Guest Editorial Manassas, VA – 9 August 2013 – When you think about claims...
Guest Editorial Manassas, VA – 31 July 2013 – Growing up I can remember...
Guest Editorial Chapter 493 is the Florida law that regulates the licensure and oversight...